Rossini Trading S.p.A. keeps growing abroad
Boom of requests from the Iberian peninsula for the workwear and protective equipment offered by the Italian company.
Rossini Trading S.p.A. continues its international growth.
This is what emerged during «Sicur 2024», the international security event in the world of work, which ended yesterday in Madrid.

It is precisely the Spanish market, together with the French market, that represents one of the growth targets for the Rossini Group, which was present in Madrid with the Giblor’s, acquired in 2021, which supplies chefs Ho.Re.Ca aparell around the World.
The Rossini Group ended 2023 with a turnover of 53 million euro, which doubled in the last two years.
«To support growth, an international expansion plan has been initiated to increase presence in key markets, particularly Spain and France – comments Marco Rossini, Rossini Trading S.p.A. President and CEO.-. The ‘Sicur 2024’ fair was aimed at opening up to new customers on the Spanish market. Precisely 92% of the contacts made during the event came from the Iberian Peninsula, joined by buyers from Morocco, Malta and even Italy – continues Marco Rossini -. Many of them asked to visit us headquarters in Seriate to start a collaboration, impressed by the variety of the range accompanied by Italian design and the possibility of customised productions».
The «lnternational Security exhibition» showcased the new women’s and men’s collections dedicated to the world of work, which guarantee comfort with a focus on safety, together with Rossini-branded PPE, shoes and gloves, head, hear, eye, face and respiratory protection items.
«’’Sicur 2024′ event also made it possible to make contact with manufacturers to discover the latest fabrics, materials and technologies – adds Alberto Pedroni, Rossini Trading S.p.A. General Manager -. We met with both European and Asian suppliers, given that Rossini has long been distinguished by diversified production and sourcing for Europe and Asia, with prices ranging from the cheapest to the highest options, reflecting the quality of the products and meeting the needs of each customer».

Among the products exhibited by Rossini that met particular interest were the collection dedicated to female workers, with a customised fit; the new line of «X-Glove», dedicated to protecting the hand against risks of various kinds and suitable for meeting the needs of sensitivity, flexibility, resistance, lightness and durability; the new Siberia winter Softshell e Seattle Bomber jacket; the new 155g/m2 100% cotton t-shirts with ‘soft touch’ treatment; the best-selling «R-Light» shoes ; the «Rainold» rousers and Bermuda shorts in the new green colour, in line with the latest trends, and the certified high visibility and multi-protection clothing.